domingo, 10 de abril de 2022

馃嚭馃嚫馃尭馃尭2022 Blossom Lesbian 馃尭馃尭馃寛

I'm Participating!,  in the month of Poetry, APRIL 2022, in contest of HAIKUS DCPL.
(Collaboration Teacher Debbie).

The video Haiku Contest 2022

Video Tic Toc.  Day of Visibility Trans
March 31:2022

In SPRING is the World  Book Day 23 of April. 
The Author, Lesbian Poet and Artivist Celia, writes these Poemas a las Flores every year, it has its origin in her maternal surname "CEREZO". That is why the motivation to write poetry about flowers and poetic flowers arises.

Did you know that the Cherry Blossom is Rainbow and LGBTQ in 2022 in Washington DC? 
 Cherry Lesbian is a Prose that was written in 2016 in the Artist Portal and Editorial RATON DE BIBLIOTECA,
 in Galicia, SPAIN. Here the Official information since 2016:

Trans Visibility Day 31 March, is also commemorated on the days of Spring.

Poems The Narcissus of Terror, by Celia K San Felipe Cerezo.
"The Cherry Blossom Festival March 21: 2022".

I don't want a narcissistic relationship.
The cherry tree in bloom told him
to the Polyamorous Thorn of the Rose.
La Flor del Caf茅 also suggested that they will help take care of their relationship and love.
The rose made the fence around,
from the daffodil of terror, and I separate it.
The Monarch, when Spring came, pollinated them,
and gave their clusters,
with polyamory flowers.


El Narciso del Terror, de Celia K San Felipe Cerezo.
"El Festival de los Cerezos en Flor 21 de Marzo: 2022".

No quiero una relaci贸n narcisista.
El cerezo en flor le dijo
a la Poliamorosa Espina de la Rosa.
La Flor del Caf茅 tambi茅n sugiri贸 que ayudar谩n a cuidar su relaci贸n y amor.
La rosa hizo la valla alrededor,
del narciso del terror, y lo separo.
El Monarca, cuando llegaba la Primavera, las polinizaba,
y dieron sus racimos,
con flores de poliamor.


other cherry loves in spring, March 30